4 Class  Adult Beginning Tap Series at Springfield Dance

February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26that 7:00 pm

$60 for the entire series!

You have always wanted to learn to tap...

Now you CAN!

4 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Beginning Adult Tap Series...

1. You have always wanted to dance like Gene Kelly with an umbrella in Singing in the Rain.

2. You love the clicky sound your feet make when you wear hard bottom shoes.

3. It's a great workout and you will make new friends.

4. It is the most fun you will have with your shoes on.

It is JUST that simple!

You will be the life of the party with your new skill, tap dancing the night away, just like the old greats. You will have fun, get a great workout, meet new people and check that box on your bucket list, all for just $60 for the series.